Sunday, April 6, 2014

10 Indoor Painting and drawing ideas.

10 Indoor painting and drawing ideas.

Sometimes you feel like drawing, or starting a new painting, you have the sketch ready, oil paints or pastels ready to go, but no idea sparks in your mind or vision, this happens a lot to us specially when the need to draw comes and no way out of home due to weather or anything else.
My only advice :just dig in your house stash and you will find a lot of inspiration in simple things around you.

  • 1-Travel and touristic books: they include a big variety of landscapes, monuments, big buildings and landmarks., they are suitable to any kind of media, oil painting, pastels, or watercolors.

  • 2-Google search engine: Google images: hit search to whatever word, idea, dream you think of , to find a lot of illustrations on your subject, also try different painting media, sculptures " for gesture or portrait drawings", abstract art, contemporary art, Google images is a a huge treasure of yummy arts inspiration ........

  • 3-Pinterest: I recommend this site for all kinds of inspirations, ideas and tutorials, again hit the search bar for whatever field you like and a flood of pins and boards will definitely bring you the idea you wish for or even learn a new technique.

  • 4-Magazines: Fashion, interiors, home decor, even housekeeping have plenty of figure gestures, portraits, fashion poses, open air scenes even landscapes......

  • 5-Family photos: good source for variety of drawing practice, portraits, figures, landscapes, seascapes, etc.and also, this is how you paint with love, as definitely you will pick a photo which has a memory or for someone you love.

  • 6-Kids stories and books: some books have a real painting on every single page, beside of how fairy tales and unusual characters inspire artists more than anything else.

  • 7-Ads and Real estate brochures: some have good color combinations, big houses, gardens and city sites.

  • 8-Cartoon episodes and movies: They always have something to inspire; colors, characters, a story to bring a group of artistic elements together, not only animators would love a cartoon movie but anyone loves colors, and art.

  • 9-Color books and printables: color books and color sheets, other than giving you a ready-made idea to draw but also is an inspiration for bigger  painting compositions and inspiration to work with your professional paints.

  • 10-Items all over the house: could be a real painting in front of you to illustrate, every room, each person, decors, households, pets, windows, doors, furniture, scenes from your TV., kids toys, your closet, your desk, even your own arts and crafts supplies.

Believe me your next painting or drawing masterpiece might be lying there in one of your drawers or the family garage.

Do you have any other ideas of how to get more ideas to draw or paint at home ? please leave a comment, have a nice day/night crafting.

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